Produse pentru tilidină contra cefalee (16)

Anghinare - Anghinare grecească

Anghinare - Anghinare grecească

Artichoke - greek artichoke
Acid formic 94%

Acid formic 94%

Fungicide Biologice

Fungicide Biologice

La photo ne correspond pas au produit pour l'Espagne. Numéro d'enregistrement : 25761 Composition : Huile d'orange 6%


L-Selenomethionin 0,5 %
Tali - cutii cu 100 capsule de lithothamnium

Tali - cutii cu 100 capsule de lithothamnium

Tali est un extrait exclusif de Lithothamne, algue rouge calciforme poussant à grande profondeur. Exceptionnellement riche en calcium et magnésium (particulièrement bien assimilables), c’est l’algue de la détente. Elle soulage aussi des douleurs articulaires ou les crampes. Enfin, grâce à son action anti-acide, elle permet de réduire les remontées acides et autres aigreurs d'estomac. Elle est préconisée en cas de stress, tensions musculaires, difficulté de récupération après l'effort, ballonnements, digestions difficiles.
Iodură de potasiu, Pastile pentru Urgențe de Radiație, ThyroSafe - Iodură de potasiu, Pastile pentru Urgențe de Radiație, ThyroSafe De Vânzare

Iodură de potasiu, Pastile pentru Urgențe de Radiație, ThyroSafe - Iodură de potasiu, Pastile pentru Urgențe de Radiație, ThyroSafe De Vânzare

In the event of a nuclear emergency, the best thing you can do is be prepared. Having potassium iodide (KI) on hand should be apart of that preparation. ThyroSafe is a 65 mg KI Tablet that is FDA approved to help prevent radioactive iodine from getting into the thyroid gland during a nuclear radiation emergency. Thyroid cancer, especially among children, is the most common and dangerous effect from radiation exposure. More than 90% of the cancer at Chernobyl was thyroid related.1 Thyroid damage was seen more than 200 miles downwind.2 Thousands of cases are known.3 The only full-strength radio-protective KI tablet that has been approved by the FDA and passed all requirements for purity, quality, safety, and efficacy. For use by adults and children in a radiation emergency. Please do get back to us for more information and details of our products and we shall get back to you with the full details .
Alcool izopropilic (IPA)

Alcool izopropilic (IPA)

Cialis - Cialis generics 20mg medicament pentru tratarea disfuncției erectile

Cialis - Cialis generics 20mg medicament pentru tratarea disfuncției erectile

Cialis 20mg contains the active substance tadalafil which belongs to a group of medicines called phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors. Product Details: Brand Name: Cialis 20mg Composition: Tadalafil 20mg Manufactured By: Lupin Ltd Form: Tablet Packing: Strip of 1 Tablet Country Of Origin: India Buy Cialis Online at Low Cost? Oddway International is one of the well-known international online medicine supplier when it's come to erectile dysfunction ed Products or Medicines. Order cialis online at the best price. We come in the category of leading suppliers & exporters who are offering a wide range of tadalafil brand. Contact Details: Mobile: +91-9873336444 Email:
Tipuri Bio / Eco

Tipuri Bio / Eco

diverse technische Kunststoffe bio-basierend oder recycelt
Ulei de armurariu - Capsule - Ulei de armurariu presat la rece

Ulei de armurariu - Capsule - Ulei de armurariu presat la rece

Белият трън (Silybum marianum) е тревисто едногодишно до двугодишно растение от семейство Сложноцветни (Asteraceae). Много систематични проучвания изследват ефикасността на белия трън при лечението на чернодробни заболявания, в частност, алкохолно чернодробно заболяване и хепатит В и С. Продължителната употреба на масло от бял трън на "Здравница" (2-4 месеца) спомага за по-бързо разсейване на симптомите на задържане на жлъчна течност и редукция в индиректния билирубин. Научно доказано е, че маслото от бял трън притежава антиоксидантното, противовъзпалителното и антитоксичното действие. Съдържащият се в маслото от бял трън - Силимаринът потиска развитието на формалиновия перитонит и имунологично предизвикания полиартрит. Приема се, че антихепатотоксичното действие на силимарина се дължи на компетитивни взаимодействия с рецепторите за съответните токсини в хепатоцитната мембрана и на по-общо мембранотропно с протективен характер действие.
Autoclave Medicale

Autoclave Medicale

Implant metatarsofalangian - Pentru tratamentul hallux rigidus, poliartritei reumatoide și pentru aceasta

Implant metatarsofalangian - Pentru tratamentul hallux rigidus, poliartritei reumatoide și pentru aceasta

L’implant métatarso-phalangien ou prothèse bouton (Métacarpien, métatarsien phalangien) trouve son champ d’application en chirurgie orthopédique du pied pour le traitement de l’hallux rigidus, des polyartrites rhumatoïdes et pour celui des rhumatismes inflammatoire Efficacité sur la douleur Manipulation et technique opératoire aisée grâce à une instrumentation simplifiée, Interface articulaire garantissant à long terme une arthroplastie fonctionnelle (très bonne amplitude articulaire). Hallux rigidus, Polyarthrites rhumatoïdes Rhumatismes inflammatoires, Métatarsalgies médianes sévères.
Soluție de acrilamidă 30% - Gata de utilizare

Soluție de acrilamidă 30% - Gata de utilizare

Application: ElectrophoresisGenetic testing : Amides Storing temperature: 2-8°C GHS pictogram: GHS07GHS08 Shipping condition: ambient Synonym: Propensäureamid 2-Propenamid Acrylsäureamid IUPAC: Prop-2-enamide Appearance: clear colorless solution Code:1107 Manufacturers:GERBU
Solvent de Imersie

Solvent de Imersie

Bain à immersion dissolvant sans acétone. Agiter avant emploi. Référence:IT10/SO0005
Nintedanib 150 mg - Nintedanib 150 mg la cel mai bun preț

Nintedanib 150 mg - Nintedanib 150 mg la cel mai bun preț

Oddway International is proud to offer Nindanib Nintedanib 150 mg at a reasonable price. As a leading global pharmaceutical wholesaler, Oddway International is dedicated to providing high-quality medications at competitive prices, ensuring that everyone has access to affordable treatment worldwide. They source Nindanib Nintedanib 150 mg from reputable manufacturers to guarantee high efficacy and safety. Order Nintedanib 150 mg from Oddway International and save on Nintedanib cost. Place your order via Here are the product specifications: Brand Name: Nindanib 150mg Composition: Nintedanib 150mg Manufactured By: Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Form: Capsule Packing: Pack of 10 Capsules
Dimetilacetamid (DMAC)

Dimetilacetamid (DMAC)
